Analysis of insecticide varieties with annual growth rate of over 10% in recent years

Release time: 2017-03-15 Number of readings:

Analysis of insecticide varieties with annual growth rate of over 10% in recent years

According to Phillips McDougall, the global pesticide sales market was 186 in 2014.$1.9 billion, up 7. 7 percent from 2013.6%, for the three categories of pesticides in the faster growth of a class。This is due to the growing area of soybeans worldwide and the occurrence of cotton bollworm in Brazil, the world's largest pesticide market。The rapid development of a batch of novel insecticides, such as chlorfenamide, flufenamide and other bisamide receptor agents, and the insecticide market of quaternary keto insecticide and acaricide, spirotethyl, spirotethyl, has also greatly promoted the development of the entire insecticide market。


1、Insecticide varieties with an average annual growth rate of 10% globally from 2009 to 2014

Table 1 lists 29 insecticide varieties with a global average annual growth rate of 10% from 2009 to 2014 and large global sales。In 2014, the global sales of these 29 varieties totaled 69.$500 million, 37 percent of the total pesticide market.33%。In addition to the 29 insecticide varieties listed in Table 1, their sales, year of launch and annual growth rate from 2009 to 2014 are also shown。

Table 1 Large insecticide species with an average annual growth rate of 10% from 2009 to 2014 

2、The insecticide varieties with an average annual growth rate of 10% from 2009 to 2014 were analyzed

Among the 29 insecticide varieties listed in Table 1,The global sales of six varieties are among the top 15 in the world pesticide market,Chlorfenamide ranks the first;Lambda-cyhalothrin ranked 5th;Flufenamide ranked 7th.Acephamidophos ranked 8th.Avermectin ranks 9th;Medovir is 13th on the list。

From the listing time, of the 29 pesticide varieties listed in Table 1, 9 were listed before the 1970s (including the 1970s), accounting for 31.0%;In the 1980s, there were 6 listed, accounting for 20.7%;There were 6 listed in the 1990s, accounting for 20.7%;After the 21st century, 8 varieties were listed, accounting for 27.6%。

In Table 1, seven of the top 10 insecticide varieties with the highest growth rates were marketed after the 21st century。This fully shows that the new insecticides have received people's attention, especially the insecticide varieties with new chemical structure and action mechanism are more favored by people。Among them, the top 3 varieties in terms of growth rate are all pesticides with very novel chemical structure and mechanism of action。 

(1)Insecticides with novel mechanisms of action and chemical structures have become the main force in the insecticide market

Chlorfenamide and flurfenamide act on pest fish nitin receptors。This type of insecticide is characterized by a bisamide structure, excellent efficacy, and very safe for the environment。In addition to the above two varieties, bromofenamide and cyclaniliprole have been developed, and have become the hot spot of insecticide development today, which is another milestone in the history of insecticide development。

They are also the fastest growing insecticide in the world。Flurfenamide is the world's first bisamide insecticide developed by Japanese pesticide Co., LTD。In previous years, its sales have been hovering, progress is very slow, so the market development is far less than chlorfenamide。In recent years, the Japanese pesticide Co., Ltd. and Bayer Co., LTD., the implementation of the global joint sales strategy, so that the variety of sales appeared substantial development, the growth rate of the most rapid pesticide varieties in the past five years。Table 2 shows the global sales market of flurfenamide in recent years。

Table 2 Global market for flufenamide in recent years (US $100 million) 

年份 2010 
Sales volume 0.75
1.50 2.3
3.80 5.30

Spirotein, spirotein and spirotein are a new class of insecticides developed by Bayer after organophosphorus and pyrethroids。These insecticides not only have a unique structure (quaternary keto acids), but also a novel mechanism of action。It is effective by inhibiting lipid synthesis of pests (mites) and blocking energy metabolism of mites。Such insecticides and acaricides have developed rapidly in recent years because they have no interactive resistance to other insecticides and acaricides, and have become an important part of insecticides。

In addition to the above two novel insecticide classes, some insecticide varieties with novel structures or unique mechanisms of action have also been developed in recent years。These varieties are still low in sales and have not formed a series, but there is a considerable market, they play a pivotal role in the field of pesticides, and the growth rate is very fast in recent years。With the further development and in-depth research, it is highly possible to form new insecticide classes。Among these insecticide varieties, fenfluronium is one of the few hydrazone compounds in insecticides。When the agent enters the insect's body, it acts by attaching to the sodium ion channel receptor and blocking the passage of sodium ions。The insecticide has ideal efficacy and is one of the four "heavenly Kings" of new insecticides for rice。It has satisfactory initial activity and no cross-resistance with pyrethroid insecticides, so it has a good prospect。At the same time, if it is further studied and modified, it may also become a new class of insecticides。Butyl ether urea is a thiourea-containing insecticide, which is very rare in insecticides。The insecticide can be converted into a mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor in pests。Strictly speaking, it is a precursor insecticide, and it is very effective against lepidoptera pests and mites, so it is growing rapidly。Pyriproxyfen is a juvenile hormone insecticide, although the insecticidal effect is slow, but not easy to produce resistance, its use requirements are more complex。In addition, methoxyhydrazide is an insecticide that acts like ecdysone。These varieties act as insect growth regulators to some extent。This also shows that insecticides are developing in a safer and environmentally friendly direction。

In addition to the above-mentioned new structures and new mechanisms of action of pesticides, some traditional pesticide categories and varieties still occupy a very important position in the field of pesticides。 

(2) Traditional, well-known insecticide groups and varieties continue to play an important role

In 2014, the top 15 insecticides in global sales, in addition to organophosphorus, carbamates, pyrethroids and other traditional insecticides, also include benzoylurea, neonicotinoids and natural insecticides, a total of 13 varieties, accounting for 86.67%。This shows that the traditional or well-known insecticide categories or varieties still have a considerable position in the field of insecticides;Among the 29 large varieties with an average annual growth rate of 10% from 2009 to 2014, traditional or well-known insecticide varieties are multiple, accounting for the majority。This also shows that some traditional or well-known insecticides are still the basic team in the field of pesticides。

The traditional or well-known insecticides mentioned above include the organophosphorus chlorpyrifos, acephamidophos, and quethion;Methomyl carbamate;Cyhalothrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin, Cyhalothrin and bifenthrin in pyrethroids;Benzoylurea, benzoylurea, bolurea;Neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and acetamidine;Microbial abamectin, docomycin, Bacillus thuringiensis and other types of fipronil, thiazinone, acetonitrile, pyrhidone, tetra acetaldehyde等。Most of these varieties are large varieties with sales of hundreds of millions of dollars, or varieties with an average annual growth rate of 10% from 2009 to 2014, and these varieties have become the backbone of the pesticide field。Among these varieties, the average annual growth rate of the special purpose variety tetra acetaldehyde (snail killer) from 2009 to 2014 reached 14.9%, which is worth watching。

Due to the relatively low price of traditional insecticide varieties, they are often the main choice for new insecticides, so to a certain extent, they promote the market development of new insecticides, but also promote their own development。

However, it must be paid attention to that some of these traditional insecticide varieties still have toxicity, safety, resistance and other problems。However, it is gratifying that a few years ago, the sales of hundreds of millions of dollars of highly toxic organophosphorus pesticides methamidophos, methyl parathion, monocrotophos and other varieties, the market has been greatly shrunk and decreased, which is the performance of progress。

The high toxicity of the above traditional or well-known pesticide varieties, and the varieties that have a greater impact on the environment, must be solved or replaced as soon as possible, which is also a difficult and arduous task and responsibility of pesticide workers。

There is no doubt that new insecticides with novel chemical structures or new mechanisms of action are the mainstream of pesticide development in the world, and they will become the main body of the global pesticide market and the main direction of pesticide development in the future。

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